
10 Benefits of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine because of its numerous health benefits. The name Ashwagandha is a  Sanskrit word which  means an odour of the horse, as it smells like a horse and also has properties of horse- strength and endurance. It is also called as “winter cherry” grown in India, Middle East, North Africa and North America.

It is a vigorous plant with small flowers and can survive in all kind of temperature and throughout the year. Though it is originated in India, it is also used by Africans and Americans and also used in Chinese traditional medicine.

Ashwagandha can be used to cure many kinds of infections, it is useful in arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, asthma, and it also has anticonvulsant and antibacterial properties. Ashwagandha is helpful to strengthen muscles of heart and balance cholesterol. It is effective natural remedy for seizures and beneficial to enhance fertility and vitality. It is also very useful in treating cataracts.

The 10 Benefits of Ashwagandha are as follows:

 1. To treat thyroid gland:


It is helpful to maintain thyroid imbalance. If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism, it reduces the effect. And in the case of hypothyroidism, it stimulates the thyroid glands. Consumed regularly will improve the secretion and balance the thyroid hormones.

 2. To prevent hair loss and greying of hair:


Ashwagandha is known to prevent greying and maintain your natural hair colour. Because of its antioxidant compound it reduces the free radicals which are considered responsible for greying of hair. It also enhances the melanin a pigment production which maintains hair colour. It helps to grow thick hair when used in any hair care product. Ashwagandha increases the blood circulation in scalp leading to hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Method to use Ashwagandha:

  • Take the same amount of Ashwagandha powder, Brahmi powder and amla powder.
  • Add water and mix properly to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste to your scalp.
  • Wash off after 30 minutes.

3.Ashwagandha as an antidepressant:


It is effective to treat depression and anxiety, Regular consumption of this can be useful to calm your nerves and remove nervousness. You can also see YlangYlang oil as antidepressant.

 4. As an aphrodisiac:


It is used for thousands of years to increase stamina and fertility. A study conducted recently shows that it can enhance semen quality and can be utilised as an aphrodisiac.

 5. For skin and treating wound:


It is useful for keeping skin supple, radiant and bright. It improves the oestrogen level that stimulates the production of collagen that leads to enhanced skin oils. It also has anti-inflammatory property. A paste made from its root of is used to cure leucoderma, abscesses, swelling and cellulite.

 6. For tight sleep:


It is very calming herb it can put you at ease and give rest to your overworking mind. There is so much of studies and research supporting this herb as a sleep inducer, it also improves your concentration, makes you more energetic.

To have a sound sleep throughout the night; just drink hot milk with ¼ teaspoon Ashwagandha powder.

 7. To stimulate blood production:


It contains hem poetic compound which means it produces new blood and prevents anaemia. It is recommended for weak people to build up stamina and strength. You can also see Jujube fruit for proper blood circulation.

 8. For Alzheimer disease:


It is used for improved memory power and as a nerve tonic. Because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it protects the brain cells and reduce the free radicals and inflammation helping patients of Alzheimer disease.

 9. Ashwagandha as anti- ageing:


Tension, stress and imbalance diet can affect your body adversely and promotes premature ageing. Cortisol a hormone responsible for wrinkles, muscle loss, weakness, and cognitive impairment can be drastically reduced by consumption of this herb regularly.

 10. Ashwagandha as anti- carcinogenic:


Research has found out that it has cancer cell destroying properties. It also reduces the side effect of chemotherapy.

  • Disadvantages of Ashwagandha:

Do not take Ashwagandha if you are under medication for insomnia, diabetes, depression, anxiety and hypertension. Pregnant women are strictly advised to ignore having this herb.

Do not take it to a great quantity; it may cause nausea, diarrhoea and stomach upset.

  • How to take Ashwagandha:

Its supplements are manufactured mainly from root and leaves.

You can take It in the form of powder or capsule.

  • Ashwagandha capsule:

It has a bitter taste. Therefore, people prefer to take a pill.

The capsule can come between 250mg to 500mg.

  • Ashwagandha powder:

Powder form is readily available. Suggested dose is 5 gram per day.

You can have it with milk, honey or ghee. It can also be incorporated in your soup, tea, and a smoothie.


Written by Ashley Grace

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