Oyster mushrooms are an edible fungus with a host of benefits to the body and in the breakdown of toxic
chemicals. With the right oyster mushroom kits, you can easily cultivate them for personal or commercial use. They have a broad spectrum of colors which makes them very beautiful.
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Oyster mushrooms have a sweet licorice scent, and they eat small roundworms. This makes them one of the
few carnivorous mushrooms. Here is all you need to know about oyster mushrooms.
How to Identify Oyster Mushrooms
Oyster mushrooms get their name from the oyster-shaped cap and a short stem, which is sometimes absent. They have a grey-brown or light grey color, which is similar to that of raw oysters. However, is some parts of
In the world, you will find them in a variety of colors, including pink and yellow.
There are different types of oyster mushrooms, including:
● Blue Oyster (Pleurotus ostereatus of Columbus variety): Despite the name, blue oyster mushrooms
are grey with a blue hue. They also have pale gills and dark caps, which gives them a nice contrast.
They also have a similar taste to pearl oysters
● Pearl oyster (Pleurotus ostereatus): These are most common in North America, and they have a woody
and slightly sweet taste
● Golden Oyster (Pleurotus citrinopileatus): These have a bright yellow color. Golden oysters have a
complex aromatic flavor compared to the standard pearl oyster
● Phoenix Oyster (Pleurotus pulmonarius): This variety has a similar appearance to the pearl oyster. The
significant difference is that they have smaller caps and have a less saturated color. It also has a
longer stem and grows in warmer weather especially late summer
● Pink Oyster (Pleurotus salmoneo stramineus): This variety of oyster mushrooms has a bright pink color
with a ruffled appearance. However, the vibrant color dissipates when cooking. They are tough and
have a woody taste, which can be pungent to some people
● King Oyster (Pleurotus eryngii): It gets its name from its sheer size and has a different look from the other Pleurotus varieties. They have thick white stems with tan-colored caps. It can be found in
Northern Africa, parts of Asia and the Middle East, as well as in the Mediterranean regions
They have several benefits including:
Cholesterol and Cancer Control
Oyster mushrooms have been found to have a variety of benefits to the body, especially in the control of
cholesterol levels and cancerous cells. They produce statins, which stimulate receptors in the liver that clear
bad cholesterol (LDL) from the body.
They also have anti-tumor effects on the body by stimulating the immune system to fight cancerous cells.
They Are Edible
Oyster mushrooms have in recent times become a popular edible. They have a subtle nutty flavor that goes
well in sauces, stews, and soups. It is one of the few species of Pleurotus ostreatus that is easy to cultivate.
Moreover, they grow in the hardwood forests, but you can also cultivate them using the right kits.
If you are looking for oyster mushrooms in the forest, be sure to look for hardwood trees such as aspen, oak,
elm, maple, among others between spring and fall. However, be sure to research how they look to avoid
consuming toxic mushrooms that can also be found in hardwood forests.
You will need to clean them thoroughly to remove bugs from the cups.
Before consuming the oyster mushrooms, be sure to consult a physician since some people are allergic to the
spores, while others might experience stomach upsets.
They Help In Cleaning the Environment
Oyster mushrooms have been found to play a huge role in mycorestoration, which is the process of using
mushrooms to reduce pollution levels. Oyster mushrooms will eat through coffee grounds, paper, wood, as well
as petroleum products.
They secrete enzymes that degenerate the organic bonds found in wood into smaller molecules as well as the
carbon-hydrogen bonds found in pesticides and petroleum products. Due to their affinity to wood, oyster
mushrooms are also good at breaking down the organic bonds found in a majority of toxic chemicals.
They also absorb mercury from the ground and store it into the mushroom. However, mycologists are also
looking to do further tests to show the ability of the oyster mushrooms to clean up the environment.
Oyster Mushroom Lookalikes
All oyster mushrooms are edible, and you will not be in danger if you choose one variety over the others.
However, they have similar identifying features with toxic substances that you should avoid. These are:
● Elm Oyster: The easiest way to distinguish them is by looking at the gills. Elm mushrooms gills stop at
the base of the stem, while oyster mushroom gills run down the stem. While they are not poisonous,
they are not as tasty as the oyster mushrooms
● Ghost Fungus: This mushroom has a unique bioluminescent property that makes them glow in the dark
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● Jack-O-Lantern Mushroom: Like the ghost fungus, Jack-O-Lantern mushrooms also glow in the dark
and have an orange color. When consumed, they will cause diarrhea, cramping, and nausea
● Ivory Funnel: They have similar gills to oyster mushrooms, and are also known as sweating mushrooms
due to a toxin known as muscarine. The poison causes sweating; tear flow, and salivation within 30
minutes of eating them.
Oyster mushrooms are easy to cultivate at home since they can grow on a variety of mediums. Due to they are
the growing list of benefits, they are a great source of income and nutritional value. However, you need to be wary
of the lookalikes, which can have severe effects on your health.
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