
10 benefits of eating pomegranate in pregnancy

Benefits of eating pomegranate in pregnancy

Pomegranate fruit or botanically known as Punica grantum is popularly grown in the Middle East, central Asia, and North Africa. Just like all the other fruits, pomegranate fruits is boosted with tons of health benefits. However, eating pomegranate in pregnancy can be highly helpful. Want to know more about? Then, here is a list of reasons why eating pomegranate in pregnancy is considered helpful

1.It is enriched with Vitamin C


One of the reasons why eating pomegranate in pregnancy is considered beneficial is because of its Vitamin C content. It is really helpful for the pregnant women and also the women who are trying to get pregnant. The vitamin C will help the body produce collagen, a structural protein to keep the bone of the baby healthier and stronger. Also, Vitamin C is considered very important for the development of the baby’s brain.

2.Boosted with Folate


As it is rich in folate eating pomegranate in pregnancy is highly recommended. It is one of the most vital components that will help the mother’s as well as baby’s development. Plus eating pomegranate in pregnancy helps in protecting neural tube defects that can result in many disabilities, loss of bowel control, bladder, or paralysis in a leg. Pomegranate has so many benefits.

3.Enriched with Vitamin K


Pomegranate fruit is enriched with high vitamin K which is highly beneficial for pregnant women. They work great for an herbal cure to treat blood clotting that happens during pregnancy. The blood clotting could happen to the mother as well as baby both. Eating pomegranate in pregnancy helps heal the blood clotting.  It is also beneficial for the body to recover after the pregnancy. Vitamin K is also very important for strengthening the body of the baby. You must know the side effects of pomegranate juice.

4.It is high in fiber content

Here are the healthy benefits of eating Pomegranate during Pregnancy:


The studies show that just half a cup of pomegranate fruit contain around 5 grams of fiber. This fiber is very important for the mother during the pregnancy. If you are pregnant you are most likely to face the gastric problems and constipation. However, if you eat pomegranate in pregnancy you can get relief from this problem easily. Pomegranate is enriched with fiber which helps in treating constipation as well. Pomegranate is good for skin.

5.Boosted with potassium


Potassium is one of the most important minerals that make sure that there is a healthy amount of fluid and maintain the balance of the electrolyte in the body. So it is recommended to have pomegranate in pregnancy. During pregnancy, the volume of blood will rise increase up to 50 percent than normal. So you would need more than enough electrolytes to make sure that their chemical balance remains the same. Potassium is also beneficial to help contract the muscles particularly later stages of your pregnancy.  Besides deficiency of potassium in the body will put in a higher risk of cramps so eat pomegranate in pregnancy to ensure that you don’t suffer excess cramps.

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6.Provides the necessary amount of calories


Eating pomegranate in pregnancy helps in fulfilling the increased calories that the baby needs to because during that time you will be eating for two. Pomegranate is high in calories and nutrients thus it helps in fulfilling the additional requirement needed by the baby. It is also among the juiciest fruit so it contains a high amount of water and it is very important for the pregnant women to stay hydrated all the time. Do you know the benefits of pomegranate seeds?

7.Acts as an antioxidant


As pomegranate is a rich source of vitamin C it is boosted with healthy antioxidants. Antioxidants during pregnancy are one of the components that you eat to consume to make sure you and the baby remain healthy. Sufficient amount of antioxidants helps in preventing issues related to placenta as it fights off the free radicals which will repair the placenta cell. The antioxidant will also help in reducing the injury risk in the brain of an embryo. Pomegranate juice is also good for health.

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8.Pomegranate as Source of iron


In pregnancy doctors prescribe tablets of iron, but we don’t know that pomegranate is good source of iron and act as a sufficient amount of iron which body needs at time of full pregnancy. The lack of blood in body called as anemia which leads to certain disorder at time of pregnancy for the baby can be protected by intake of pomegranate daily.

9.Cure brain related problems

At time of pregnancy the brain need sufficient amount of oxygen, if brain do not get proper amount of oxygen then it leads to premature pregnancy and undeveloped embryo. Pomegranate make sure that your brain gets enough amount of oxygen time to time to prevent any brain damages.

10.It also prevents you from dehydration


During pregnancy you need to keep yourself hydrate. Pomegranate contains large amount of water in it which you can eat in certain period in a day. Pomegranate is rich in containing water in it, said by experts which is lot beneficial for pregnant women.Water intake is must to keep body hydrate.

Recommended to read: Amazing Benefits of Drinking Water

How to eat pomegranate in pregnancy?


When it comes to eating pomegranate in pregnancy; you can either eat it directly or mix it up as you wish. Just soak it in the water and let it loosen up a bit. Separate the seeds while it is still in the water. And then you can eat it directly. If you get bored eating the pomegranate plainly you can mix things up with different fruits and salads to make things more interesting.

Written by Ashley Grace

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